Invest in Gloucestershire goals align with GFirst LEP strategic vision

11 September 2019

The focus of this inward investment project is in line with the four economic priority sectors outlined in GFirst LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy for Gloucestershire.

The four key sectors are: Agri-Tech, Advanced Manufacturing, Cyber-Tech, and Renewables. Thus, the marketing strategy of the project is focused on these four sectors, while supporting any investors that may have an interest in the county.

The inward investment team is currently in the process of putting the final touches to the first sector specific proposition, which will be the one dedicated to Agri-Tech. Once finished, it will be a outstanding document that will summarise everything Gloucestershire has to offer in this sector.

The first proposition has been produced with physical copies printed for the New Zealand delegation in September of 2019, with the other propositons underdevelopment.

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